The long-awaited Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed has just launched across major consoles and PCs. Developed by A Heartful of Games and published by Outright Games in collaboration with Paramount Game Studios, this action-packed 3D platformer brings fans of the TMNT franchise an exciting opportunity to explore New York City with the four iconic Turtle brothers—Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. Tasked with unraveling a new threat in the city, players will encounter challenging enemies and can immerse themselves in a variety of iconic and new locations inspired by the Mutant Mayhem film.
The game captures the essence of New York City through various interactive environments. Players can train in the Turtles’ Sewer Lair, directly inspired by the recent film, or visit new “hangout” spots like the Coexisting Center, a haunted arcade, and an abandoned movie theater. These settings change with the dynamic day and night cycle, providing a fresh and immersive experience each time players revisit these iconic locations.
Mutants Unleashed combines main missions with side quests, including intense boss battles, pizza delivery challenges, and hidden secrets scattered throughout the city. Players can team up in 2-player couch co-op mode, which enhances the fun as they work together to combat the new “Mewbies.” With unique upgrades and skills to unlock, players can continuously level up the Turtles, creating a fresh and action-filled experience.
The game pays homage to TMNT’s rich history with character designs crafted by Woodrow White, the lead designer from Mutant Mayhem. Fans will also appreciate the availability of special skins that reflect the original black-and-white comic book Turtles, along with a throwback to the classic 1980s cartoon. This mix of nostalgia and modern design offers players an authentic experience that resonates with fans of all ages.
Started my career in Automotive Journalism in 2015. Even though I'm a pharmacist, hanging around cars all the time has created a passion for the automotive industry since day 1.