The first trailer for Sanctua, a thrilling new game set in a cursed Egyptian tomb, has been released. This asymmetrical co-op party game, developed by French solo developer Jason Nicot (Choose Red), challenges players to survive or become the sinister force within the tomb.
Sanctua takes players on an adventure deep within an ancient, cursed Egyptian tomb. Players must collaborate to survive deadly traps, cursed wildlife, and evade the ancient guardian that stalks them in the ever-shifting ruins.
Sanctua stands out with its stunning visuals and detailed environments built in Unreal Engine 5. Unlike other communication-based party games, Sanctua features a top-down camera that offers a clear view of the surroundings, provided you have enough torches to light your way. Despite its mature setting, the game contains minimal graphic violence, making it suitable for a wide audience.
The Steam page for Sanctua is now live, and the game is set to release in the first half of 2025, with a closed playtest scheduled for later this year. Make sure to wishlist it to stay updated on the latest news and developments!
Sanctua is a thrilling co-op party game set in a cursed tomb where players must work together and communicate to survive deadly traps, cursed wildlife, and evade the ancient guardian. One player becomes corrupted and transforms into the evil entity seeking to eliminate the frightened explorers, ensuring no two games are ever the same.
Sanctua promises a unique and thrilling gaming experience with its innovative gameplay mechanics and captivating visual design.
Started my career in Automotive Journalism in 2015. Even though I'm a pharmacist, hanging around cars all the time has created a passion for the automotive industry since day 1.