In the heart of Japan’s northern city of Sapporo lies Ramen Alley, the birthplace of miso ramen, where travelers and locals come to experience the ultimate soul food. With its charming lantern-lit streets and small, intimate ramen shops, this alley has become a pilgrimage site for food lovers around the world.
Nestled in Susukino, Sapporo’s bustling nightlife district, Ramen Alley is home to 17 unique ramen shops, each offering their own take on this beloved dish. It’s here, shortly after World War II, that miso ramen was born, now enjoyed globally. Today, diners flock to this historic alley to experience the authentic flavors of miso ramen, each bowl crafted with a special blend of ingredients and meticulous care.
Every ramen shop along Ramen Alley is run by a dedicated chef, each passionate about their craft. At Haruka, known as "The Rock-and-Roll Ramen Shop," diners can enjoy a bowl of buttery, rich ramen to the sound of AC/DC, while across the alley at Ichikura, chef Tetsuya Tanaka blends fried vegetables, miso, and noodles to create his own unique version of the dish. The artistry behind each bowl is evident, with chefs constantly striving for perfection in every bite.
According to Tanaka, each bowl of ramen is as unique as the waves of the ocean, never exactly the same twice. The base broth, which ties all the ingredients together, is crucial to achieving the perfect balance. Chefs in Ramen Alley view their craft as a spiritual journey, where each bowl is a step closer to culinary perfection. Customers are encouraged to slurp their noodles loudly, a sign of appreciation for the chef's work.
As the most renowned shop on the alley, Tokuichi Tomiya has been serving its award-winning ramen for over 50 years. The head chef, Yomichiro Kosaka, inherited the business from his father and continues to create bowls of ramen topped with traditional Hokkaido ingredients like corn and butter. Kosaka, like the other chefs, sees ramen-making as an art and is dedicated to achieving perfection, one bowl at a time.
Started my career in Automotive Journalism in 2015. Even though I'm a pharmacist, hanging around cars all the time has created a passion for the automotive industry since day 1.