The popular TV show "Pimp My Ride," which aired on MTV in the mid-2000s, is making a comeback, sort of, under the new name "Resurrected Rides." This show, known for its extravagant car modifications, captivated many young car enthusiasts. The new version will premiere on Netflix on July 24 with eight episodes, promising to bring back the spirit and knowledge of the original series.
Comedian and actor Chris Redd, known for his work on Saturday Night Live, will host "Resurrected Rides." He will be joined by a team of "next-level mechanics" who will transform everyday vehicles into extraordinary rides. The show aims to maintain the original's fun and outrageous style while showcasing impressive automotive skills.
Executive producer Ari Shoeft describes the new show as "an aspirational and wish-fulfillment show." The producers hope to evoke the same excitement and wonder as the original, with wild modifications and creative transformations that make each car unique. Fans can expect some over-the-top features reminiscent of the original series.
While "Pimp My Ride" was famous for installing outrageous additions like chocolate fountains and hot tubs, the new show aims to balance spectacle with practicality. The goal is to channel the spirit of the original without going overboard. With Netflix labeling it as “Humorous,” viewers can expect a blend of fun and innovative car makeovers.
As fans eagerly await the release of "Resurrected Rides," there is much anticipation about whether it will live up to its predecessor. With a blend of humor and high-level automotive expertise, the show promises to entertain and impress. A trailer is expected soon, which will give a clearer picture of what’s in store.
"Resurrected Rides" seeks to honor the legacy of "Pimp My Ride" by bringing back some of the original production team and capturing the playful, creative essence of the original. By doing so, it aims to appeal to both new viewers and long-time fans of the original series.
Started my career in Automotive Journalism in 2015. Even though I'm a pharmacist, hanging around cars all the time has created a passion for the automotive industry since day 1.